Crystal in the shapes of skulls, combined with Clear Quartz's clarifying properties, act as a mental filter of sorts, helping you "take the trash" out of your mind so you can think clearly, focus and become clear about your dreams & desires.
If you're ready to get some mental clarity, take back some control over your thoughts and amplify the good, it's time to add a crystal skull to your crystal collection!
Measures approx. 1.5" • Weighs approx. 3.584 ounces
Crystal skulls are believed to be code carriers, cosmic libraries and spiritual allies. The energy of a crystal skull helps you tap into ancient wisdom and knowledge. As a symbol of the end of a cycle, a Crystal Skull also works with the energetic properties of quartz to help it operate as a filter of sorts, helping to end bad habits, emotional negativity, and other such things to start a new beginning. Quartz Crystal is a stone of manifestation that energizes and activates the energy centers within the body. It helps the wearer to think clearly, allowing them to focus and become clear about their dreams and desires. Assisting with spiritual development, Quartz Crystal assists in removing blockages in the body so energy can flow smoothly.
Sit quietly and hold your crystal skull in your hands. Breathe in the highest white light and feel their energy. Set your intention for your crystal, being very specific about what you want to bring in. It is listening.
We also love placing it with our other crystals to charge and amplifying their energy, ensuring your manifestations come to pass.
We like to make very intentional pairings, so that our minds and thinking can become extra clear: for example, we like to combine it with wealth crystals like Pyrite, Aventurine and Garnet in order to get clear what we need to do to increase our money and opportunities.